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The Electric Eel Wheel Nano is an affordable and travel friendly espinner that spins your fiber into beautiful yarn! Its smooth and quiet operation will help you spin gorgeous yarn. It is great for both new spinners and for experienced spinners looking for a travel friendly wheel. 


Each unit comes with the chosen base in either purple or charcoal

3 bobbins

1 wall power supply

a second drive belt and tension band

A spin card to guide your twist


The EEW Nano does not come with a paper instruction manual to help save costs and reduce waste. You can view the video manuel from the manufacture by clicking the highlighted word video. 


This device comes with a Type A/B power plug commonly used in North America.  The EEW Nano supports a wide range of voltages so if you live elsewhere in the world you’ll just need to get a “travel power adapter”. 


If you are looking to make it more portable check out the Dreaming Robots guide explaining what type of battery pack to use. 


This item is 5.25 × 4 × 5 in


This information has been taken from the Dreaming Robots website. 

EEW Nano by Dreaming Robots

  • Book a group or private session on learning to spin with the EEW Nano.

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